In ploughing, the most rigid attention should be paid to the
Tillage, too, has its own particular rules[2]—Never touch the
ground while it is wet and cloggy; plough with all your might;
loosen the ground before you begin to plough. This method
has its advantages, for by turning up the clods the roots of the
weeds are killed. Some persons recommend that in every case
the ground should be turned up immediately after the vernal
equinox. Land that has been ploughed once in spring, from
that circumstance has the name of "vervactum."[3] This, too,
is equally necessary in the case of fallow land, by which term
is meant land that is sown only in alternate years. The oxen
employed in ploughing should be harnessed as tightly as possible, to
make them plough with their heads up; attention
paid to this point will prevent them from galling the neck. If
it is among trees and vines that you are ploughing, the oxen
should be muzzled, to prevent them from eating off the tender
buds. There should be a small bill-hook, too, projecting from
the plough-tail, for the purpose of cutting up the roots; this
plan being preferable to that of turning them up with the share,
and so straining the oxen. When ploughing, finish the furrow
at one spell, and never stop to take breath in the middle.
It is a fair day's work to plough one jugerum, for the first time, nine inches in depth; and the second time, one jugerum and a half—that is to say, if it is an easy soil. If this, however, is not the case, it will take a day to turn up half a jugerum for the first time, and a whole jugerum the second; for Nature has set limits to the powers of animals even. The furrows should be made, in every case, first in a straight line, and then others should be drawn, crossing them obliquely.[4] Upon a hill-side the furrows are drawn transversely[5] only, the point of the share inclining upwards at one moment and downwards[6] at another. Man, too, is so well fitted for labour, that he is able to supply the place of the ox even; at all events, it is without the aid of that animal that the mountain tribes plough, having only the hoe to help them.[7]
The ploughman, unless he stoops to his work, is sure to prevaricate,[8] a word which has been transferred to the Forum, as a censure upon those who transgress—at any rate, let those be on their guard against it, where it was first employed. The share should be cleaned every now and then with a stick pointed with a scraper. The ridges that are left between every two furrows, should not be left in a rough state, nor should large clods be left protruding from the ground. A field is badly ploughed that stands in need of harrowing after the seed is in; but the work has been properly done, when it is impossible to say in which direction the share has gone. It is a good plan, too, to leave a channel every now and then, if the nature of the spot requires it, by making furrows of a larger size, to draw off the water into the drains.
(20.) After the furrows have been gone over again transversely,
the clods are broken, where there is a necessity for it, with
either the harrow or the rake;[9] and this operation is repeated
four ploughings, in the
passage where he says that land will bear the best crop, which
has twice felt the sun and twice the cold. Where the soil is
dense, as in most parts of Italy, it is a still better plan to go
over the ground five times before sowing; in Etruria, they give
the land as many as nine ploughings first. The bean, however,
and the vetch may be sown with no risk, without turning up
the land at all; which, of course, is so much labour saved.
We must not here omit to mention still one other method of ploughing, which the devastations of warfare have suggested in Italy that lies beyond the Padus. The Salassi,[12] when ravaging the territories which lay at the foot of the Alps, made an attempt to lay waste the crops of panic and millet that were just appearing above the ground. Finding, however, that Nature resisted all their endeavours, they passed the plough over the ground, the result of which was that the crops were more abundant than ever; and this it was that first taught us the method of ploughing in, expressed by the word "artrare," otherwise "aratrare," in my opinion the original form. This is done either just as the stem begins to develope itself, or else when it has put forth as many as two or three leaves. Nor must we withhold from the reader a more recent method, which was discovered the year but one before this,[13] in the territory of the Treviri. The crops having been nipped by the extreme severity of the winter, the people sowed the land over again in the month of March, and had a most abundant harvest.
We shall now proceed to a description of the peculiar methods
employed in cultivating each description of grain.